10 September 2009

if i can choose.

you call me a stranger
you say I'm a danger
but all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
you are an angel
making all my dreams come true tonight 

peeps. im at home now.
this thing should be posted at school just now but i got problem so that i do not have enough time for posting this shit.
we got computer project.
make a forum and we must active at it so that we got a high mark.
my group are ryan(hehe), hans, michelle a, aldo and henokh.
just now we got bahasa test.
its easy IF i study.
and sadly i didnt.
i got 65 maybe. hahaha.
its worst. 65 for bahasa.
just now i also did things for mozaic, charitas curiculum.
i did it with donny (he drew), andrew, bri, kezia and ryan.
then funny moment come. hahaha.
yday also so funny.
read this conversation between me, ryan, jeremy, ms. rosa.
bu rosa : cewe tu paling ilfil ma cowo gagap (ryan), cowo cadel (ramos), cowo gombal tapi nyontek lirik lagu (jerki).
aku : klo roland bu ?
bu rosa : gelep.
aku : ihh, kalo mau ciuman susah ditempet gelep". tar sala cium.
ryan : ihh, mending ciuman daripada gitu"an. natar sala masuk gmn ?
aku ama ryan ketawa ngakak, jerki ngerti mksd ryan trs blg,
jerki : ihh, apala ryan ni. sala masukin *ketawa*
bu rosa denger, jitak ryan sambil ketawa.
aku, ryan, jerki, bu rosa ketawa. hahaha.
im missing someone at the moment.
someone who can really understand me.
everything about me and those shit.
i dont have one at the moment.
i also miss someone that can be trusted.
if i can choose...
i would turn back the time.
i would change all the wrong things i have made.
i would take back all my words.
well, unfortuntly, i cant.
this is what we called DESTINY. agree ?

i dont know why.
i dont know why i can cry easily.
it seems like im weak.
like im just a child that cry evertime i got scolded.
if i can choose..

i also dont know whats wrong at me.
i always debating unneeded topic to debate with ryan.
its useless.
im thinkin what for we debating for those shit ?
though i have that way of thinking, i still reply his nonsense, always.
i know, it will got no end.

i was in the bad mood yday.
i tell someone about my school and SHE is not listening maybe.
maybe she's bored with my story *deep sigh*
whatsover. bitch, if you dont wanna hear, just lemme know ! _|_

im tired.
im tired of argueing.
im tired of the schoolshits.
im tired of myself.
but, its a life.
this is what a life called =]
so whatever, i will always try to smile.
isnt that a good idea ?

i love amelia's newest post.
i think it got deep meaning.
ok then. enough till here.
dear God, please let me pass the piano exam with a brilliant score. i have pushed myself for this. pleaseee. Amen.